The singularity of southwestern Asturias in the cuisine of Asturias

The "guisanderas" or stewmistresses of Asturias could not miss out on this second round of FéminAs. They will be at this round table discussing combinations of tradition and future.
Following our introduction to the world of stewmistresses as guardians of culinary tradition in Asturias at the first FéminAs congress, at the second event we will find out more about who today's "guisanderas" are, and how they work. We will be talking to some of their representatives for a close-up of a style of cooking that is simultaneously territorial, popular and top-quality.
Related talks

The emerging vineyard and new styles of wine
11:15 - 11:55 HRS
Carmen Martínez
Founder of Bodega Las Danzas (Las Mestas, Cangas del Narcea, Asturias, Spain)
Belén Sanz
Technical Director of Bodehga Dehesa de los Canónigos (Pesquera de Duero, Valladolid, Spain)
Andrea González
Head of wine tourism at Bodega Monasterio de Corias (Cangas del Narcea, Asturias, Spain)
Rosana Lisa
General manager at Bodegas Lalomba (Haro, La Rioja, Spain)

The family factor in businesses as added value for livestock breeders
12:25 - 13:05 HRS
Carolina Entrecanales
Businesswoman, Granja Cudaña (Labarces, Cantabria)
Amelia Díaz
Owner of the livestock business Casa el Cuarto (Mieldes, Asturias)
Paloma López
Cheesemaker in Genestoso (Asturias, Spain)
Rocío García Alonso
Livestock merchant at Finca La Huérfana (Salamanca, Spain)
Ángeles Santos
Manager of Quesería Ecológica Artesanal La Faya (Fariza, Zamora, Spain)
The challenge of globalisation for local production
11:10 - 11:50 HRS
Rosa Vañó
Sales manager at Castillo de Canena (Jaén, Spain)
Meritxell Juvé
CEO at Juvé & Camps Prime Brands
Chelo Gámez
Founder of La Dehesa de los Monteros (Málaga, Spain)
María Cardín
Sales and marketing manager, Grupo El Gaitero (Asturias, Spain)

Work/family balance and haute cuisine
12:30 - 13:10 HRS
Elena Arzak
Chef en Arzak*** (San Sebastián,España)
Fina Puigdevall y Martina Puigvert
Chefs at Les Cols** (Olot, Girona, Spain)
María Busta Rosales
Guisandera and chef at Casa Eutimio (Lastres, Asturias, Spain)