Carolina Entrecanales
Businesswoman, Granja Cudaña (Labarces, Cantabria)
Carolina has followed in the family footsteps and taken over the livestock business started by her grandfather and consolidated by her father, turning it into a pioneer farm.
She is the visible head of Granja Cudaña, but her active spirit keeps her busy in many other activities, such as dairy management at the Cantabria Friesian Association (AFCA). Carolina Entrecanales Baratey (Ruiloba, 1965) is an active woman, and we can find her with a finger in every pie, but she has most deservedly earned her merit as a staunch defender of the dairy world. She is a member of several business organisations in Cantabria, and still finds time to work alongside gastronomic-cultural group “Compangos” to promote Cantabria's stews.
But above all Carolina is a farmer at Granja y Quesería Cudaña. Located amid the exuberant green meadows of the Labarces countryside, this family business was started by her grandfather in 1943. It was then taken over by her father, Eduardo Entrecanales Arce, nicknamed “Rubio de Cudaña”, one of the first to buy Friesian cows in Holland to boost his livestock business, and now Carolina and her siblings have taken up the torch.
Granja Cudaña uses the latest techniques to manage its cattle and their fodder, milking and the processing of milk. It was declared Cantabria's Best Farm in 2013.