Congreso Internacional de mujeres gastronomía y medio rural



Rosa Macías y Paco Marín

Owners of Bar FM (Granada, Spain)

With a maxim of respect for the product and an inborn talent for working with it, this self-taught chef has made her home a pilgrimage destination for gastronomes.

She would have liked to have been a chemist, but destiny had marked out another path for her. Cooking. Even though she found this path by chance, with no vocation, it has become her world. And she has gone from renting out a bar with her husband, Paco Martín - as a way of saving money to get married - to running one of Granada's best known locales, Bar FM.

It started off as just a local bar, but the turning point came in 2005 when it was declared Best Bar Counter of the Year by the "Lo Mejor de la Gastronomía" guide. Since then, the quality of produce has been a decisive factor.

Rosa Macías, the self-taught chef, runs the kitchen; and her husband Paco oversees the floor, and also has the daily task of seeking out the best fish and seafood for their customers. 

They say that Rosa has a special gift for cooking to a turn. She puts it down to a lot of work on the grill and the fryer.

Rosa Macías y Paco Marín
